We have tested them all - these are the best mortars & pestles available! We have the best prices on these mortars and our flat rate shipping charge (Free Shipping over $99.00) is the best deal! All mortars and pestles are in stock and ready to ship. Do you have Fresh Spices? Do you have great Chef Knives? Our Chefs pick the best! Click Here! Mundial Scissors are razor sharp and hold an edge through years of use. They come with a lifetime warranty! Do you have great scissors?
Our Chef Cutlery line was designed by several of the Master Chef's. What's in your kitchen?
Product # CDSMALLESTSIZEMARBLEMORTAR3INCH Retail $29.50 and up On Sale $15.00 and up
This is a solid marble mortar with a smooth marble pestle. It is used to make traditional pesto and aioli sauces. It is also great for grinding nuts and seeds for working with spices. This mortar is very thick and heavy so it won't move around while using it and it is very durable. The mortar is 3 inches wide x 3 1/2 inches tall. This mortar is unique, it is handcrafted for Chef Depot! This mortar is the nicest shape and finish of all the mortars we have tested! Solid marble is also the strongest mortar and pestle material. Other mortars are available, please email us.